
Osteopath and Lifestyle Medicine Coach


Osteopath and Lifestyle Medicine Coach

Osteopath and
Lifestyle Medicine Coach

If you need a treatment before then please contact one of the recommended therapists below. 

Osteopath: Lucy - WhatsApp
 +1 (587) 806-5146

Chiropractor: Andrew - WhatsApp 

+505 8971 9393

Book An Appointment Below

About Ed

Your Lifestyle Is Your Medicine

Ed Paget is an osteopath, writer, presenter, and creator of both the Scoliosis Correction Protocol and the Back Pain Correction Protocol.

Over the last 15 years working with private clients he has developed a system of unique assessments and treatments that aim to unravel the complex web of compensations that we all have to reveal the underlying cause of illness or injury. This unique approach hasn’t gone unnoticed and Ed was recruited to work with the Canadian National Speed Skating team and was invited to the Sochi Olympics as part of team Canada’s medical contingent. He is currently a consultant to the Calgary Sport Institute and has been asked to share his Fascia stretching protocol or F.A.S.T class with both the National Alpine ski team and Biathlon team.

During one-on-one treatments Ed is always looking for the root cause of the pain or dysfunction because if it is not addressed the symptoms will invariably reappear. He looks for quality of movement in your body, which can be as large as how you move your arms over your head or as small as the rise and fall of your chest during breathing. He believes that to move is to be healthy but understands that movement will manifest in different ways in different people. He wants to help people be the best they can be, given their unique lifestyle and experiences.

To find the root cause of your problems using this encompassing approach he may look at your diet (food intolerances etc), your movement habits, the stress load in your life, your family history, the quality of your sleep and your mind set. He enjoys working with people who are ready to make a change. People who are not afraid to ask tough questions about what they were doing to get them into their current state and who are prepared to embrace new ways of thinking in order to be truly healthy.

Ed has two degrees, one in Exercise and Sports Science the other in Osteopathy.

Additional Training:
✔ Applied Functional Science through the Gray Institute.
✔ A Diploma in Biodynamic Cranio Sacral Therapy.
✔ Somatic Exercise Coach
✔ MovNat Instructor
P-DTR  Practitioner
✔ Wahls Certified Health Practitioner

Hintsa Performance Coach

Appointments in San Juan.

If you can't reach me and need an appointment sooner than I'm available I recommend the following therapists. 

Osteopath: Lucy - WhatsApp
 +1 (587) 806-5146

Chiropractor: Andrew - WhatsApp 

+505 8971 9393

Chiropractor: Adam - WhatsApp 

+505 78101061


Initial treatments are scheduled for 60mins and follows ups can be for 45-30 mins.
The clinic is at Villa Capri and cost $60usd for the initial , $45 for 45mins and $30 for 30mins


Osteopathy and Movement Therapy

Most people want a massage or some physiotherapy when they get injured.
They simply don't know that there are more effective, powerful ways to recover from injury and illness.  Using a combination of osteopathy, exercises and lifestyle recommendations has become one of the go to methods of treatment for men and women all over the globe.  You see, the way you move is important, if you have muscle imbalances or weaknesses they should be corrected.  But equally important can be your what you eat and how you sleep.   When you consult with Ed he will be looking at your life in a holistic way to create a specific plan of recovery just for you.  Even though he has worked with Olympic and World Champions but gets just as excited helping anyone who has pain and want to recover faster.

What People Are Saying

Shoulder Pain Gone

 I have not been able to sleep well for 11 months due to the pain in my shoulder when I roll over on to my side.  Like magic the day after the treatment I could sleep on that side. 

The talent of Osteopaths constantly amaze me. We are very lucky to have dedicated people like Ed. 

Thanks. Emma, USA 

Knee Pain Gone

After years struggling with knee pain I was relieved to find someone who could put it all together.  Ed worked out my balance was 'off' from an old concussion and when he treated my neck and head my balance improved and my knee stopped hurting.  It's really like magic but it all makes sense.

Thanks  Matt Jess, Calgary
